Топ 20 форекс брокеров в 2023 году


Топ 20 форекс брокеров в 2023 году

Ранее мы подготовили для вас уже несколько рейтингов с надежными брокерами. Мы рассматривали лучшие компании для новичков, дилеров с лицензиями ЦБ РФ и т.д. Сегодня у нас будет самый объемный рейтинг – топ 20 форекс брокеров.

Все компании, о которых пойдет речь далее, мы отбирали по двум факторам: надежность и доступность для трейдеров из России и СНГ. При этом сегодня мы будем рассказывать о дилерах, которые могут не подойти новичкам, но будут оценены профессионалами.

Лучшая двадцатка

Почему именно эти компании попали в список? Сейчас поговорим вкратце о каждом дилере, и вы все поймете.

Кстати, чтобы ознакомиться с брокером подробнее, нажмите на его название в списке выше. Вы перейдете на подробный обзор компании.


Компания с 20-летним опытом и одними из лучших условий для новичков, особенно из РФ. Перечислять все достоинства Альпари слишком долго, поэтому мы вспомним только основные:

  • Лицензии ЦБ РФ и IFSC, а также членство в НАФД и FinaCom;
  • отсутствие ограничений по минимальному депозиту на центовом счете. Для торговли на счетах с ECN исполнением нужно вложить минимум 500 USD;
  • наиболее развитая система ПАММ;
  • качественное обучение и аналитика;
  • ориентированность на трейдеров из СНГ. Только в России работает 60 офисов партнеров, которые вы можете посетить;
  • более 20 способов для пополнения счета в USD, EUR, RUB и даже KZT и UAH.


Один из самых популярных дилеров в СНГ с аудиторией более 7 млн. пользователей. Причин такой популярности компании предостаточно:

  • Надежность. Компания работает с 2007 года, лицензирована ЦБ РФ и CySEC, а большинство трейдеров отзываются о ней только положительно;
  • доступные условия для трейдеров с любыми возможностями;
  • более 300 инструментов;
  • более 260 представительств во всем мире, несколько десятков из которых находятся на территории СНГ;
  • профессиональная поддержка трейдеров, работающая в режиме 24/7.

Interactive Brokers

Крупнейший американский брокер, предоставляющий доступ к фондовому и валютному рынку. Подойдет только опытным трейдерам или богатым новичкам, которым не жалко слить 10 000 долларов.

Лицензии регуляторов США, Канады, Великобритании и других стран, огромные объемы, страховка капитала. Вряд ли кто-то может усомниться в надежности брокера. И если вы хотите быть уверены в сохранности денег или, может, параллельно с валютой будете торговать еще и акциями, рекомендуем зарегистрироваться на сайте IB. Конечно, при условии, что вы готовы рисковать необходимым для старта капиталом.


Еще один дилер из США, но гораздо доступнее для многих трейдеров. Здесь нет ограничений на минимальный депозит. При этом OANDA получил лицензии тех же регуляторов, что и Interactive Brokers.

Несмотря на отсутствие ограничений на депозит, OANDA нельзя назвать лучшим брокером для новичков. Максимальное плечо здесь 1:50, да и качественного обучения нет. Поэтому этого дилера можем рекомендовать трейдерам, которые не первый день знакомы с трейдингом на валютном рынке.


Крупнейший финансовый холдинг в РФ. Кроме множества инвестиционных и банковских услуг, компаний предоставляет и доступ к рынку FOREX. Лицензирован ЦБ РФ.

Чтобы начать работать с компанией, нужно инвестировать минимум 100 долларов. При этом депозит можно внести только с помощью банковского перевода.

Опять же мы не можем сказать, что ФИНАМ – лучший дилер для новичков. Демо-счет ограничен по срокам. Кредитное плечо 1:47. Для торговли доступно только 26 валютных пар. Однако дилер один из самых надежных, получивший лицензию ЦБ РФ, при этом и с неплохими условиями торговли.


Одна из лучших компаний, ориентированная на доверительное управление. Услуги eToro оценили более 6 млн. трейдеров.

Здесь вы можете сами торговать и зарабатывать дополнительно на инвесторах. А можете сами вложить деньги в одного или нескольких опытных трейдеров, обеспечив таким образом практически пассивный доход.

Компании eToro регулируются CySEC и FCA. При этом новичкам здесь стартовать гораздо проще. Минимальный депозит 50 USD, а также предоставляется демо-счет без ограничений по срокам.

eToro – платформа, рассчитанная на доверительное управление. А значит, инвестор должен чувствовать себя комфортно, работая на сайте дилера. Так? eToro удалось этого добиться. Подробнейшая статистика по каждому трейдеру позволит выбрать лучший вариант для инвестирования.


Относительно молодая компания, но уже с репутацией одного из лучших и самых надежных дилеров, иначе в нашем топ 20 форекс брокеров RoboForex не было.

Для начала вспомним главную особенность компании. Здесь вы сможете сами создавать торговых роботов, не обладая при этом навыками программирования. И еще несколько достоинств:

  • 11 типов счетов + демо-аккаунт;
  • можно начать торговать с любыми инвестициями (на некоторых счетах есть ограничения);
  • выгодные бонусы и акции;
  • лицензия IFSC, членство в FinaCom и НАФД.


C 2008 года Exness предлагает отличные торговые условия, удобный сервис, качественные услуги. Торговый оборот Exness вырос с 8,73 млрд. USD до 2366,9 млрд. всего за 6 лет. Брокеру доверяют многие трейдеры, и мы в их числе.

Exness не любит ставить серьезные ограничения перед своими клиентами. Минимальный депозит всего 1 USD. Торговать можете с абсолютно любым плечом: 1:100, 1:1000, 1:10000, 1:100000 и т.д. Exness – единственный дилер, который позволяет это делать. А еще здесь доступно 120 валютных пар для торговли.

Компания получила лицензии FCA и CySEC, а также зарегистрирована в регулирующих органах ряда европейских странах: Германия, Нидерланды, Испания, Италия, Швеция и Польша.


C 2006 года на рынке Форекс еще один брокер стал предлагать качественные услуги своим трейдерам – FxPro.

Компания получила лицензии CySEC, FCA и FSB (Южная Африка). Также дилер является членом кипрских профессиональных организаций CCCI и CFSFA и компенсационных фондов. Работа осуществляется в соответствии с требованиями директивы MiFID.

Условия подойдут как новичкам, так и опытным трейдерам:

  • Мин. депозит – 1 USD;
  • спреды от 0 пунктов;
  • максимальное плечо – 1:500;
  • доступные платформы – MT4, MT5, cTrade, Markets.


Более миллиона трейдеров доверили свои деньги FxOpen. А так как компания находится в нашем топ 20 форекс брокеров, сделали они это не зря.

Основные условия схожи с теми, что предоставляет FxPro, только платформ меньше:

  • Ограничений по размеру депозита нет;
  • спреды от 0 пунктов;
  • максимальное кредитное плечо 1:500.

Надежность и выполнение обязательств со стороны FxOpen гарантируют FCA (Великобритания) и ASIC (Австралия). Именно эти регуляторы выдали свои лицензии компании. Также компания стала членом FinaCom.

Также FxOpen понравится криптотрейдерам. Для торговли новым финансовым инструментом на сайте есть отдельный торговый счет. Вы можете пополнять счет в криптовалюте, работать с плечом до 1:3 и открывать сделки на 24 парах с различными криптовалютами.

Grand Capital

Брокер был создан в Питере, а сегодня 40 его представительств работают во всем мире. Достичь такой популярности Гранд Капитал смог за 10 лет работы.

Дилер получил лицензию регулятора Вануату, а также является членом FinaCom. Согласны, список регуляторов менее внушителен, но это не мешает дилеру работать честно.

Возможно, профессионалы выберут для себя компанию с другими условиями. Но новичкам здесь понравится.

  • Минимальный депозит всего 10 USD;
  • есть бездепозитный бонус 500 долларов;
  • вводить и выводить средства можно самыми разными способами, в том числе и через криптовалютный кошелек;
  • качественное обучение. В том числе и очное, которое регулярно проходит в СПб, Москве и Тольятти.


Один из немногих российских банковских форекс брокеров. Дилер получил лицензию ЦБ РФ и предоставляет надежную платформу для работы. Но не всем новичкам компания подойдет.

Для старта нужно инвестировать минимум 50 000 рублей, а максимальное плечо 1:45. Кроме того, счет нужно открывать только лично в офисе банка.

Торговля ведется на платформе MetaTrader 5. Спреды фиксированные, от 2 пунктов. А сделки можно открывать только по валютным парам, которых на платформе 26.

Да, многие найдут для себя недостатки. Но в наш топ 20 ВТБ попал в первую очередь за свою надежность. Мы ведь предупреждали, что именно этот фактор отбора является ключевым.


Появился брокер в 1996 году и до 2016 принадлежал российскому банку с лицензией ЦБ РФ. Но сегодня это такой же, как и многие, офшорный брокер, что в принципе не мешает ему быть надежным и предоставлять качественные торговые условия.

Чтобы начать работать с компанией, достаточно инвестировать хотя бы 500 рублей. После депозита появляется возможность для торговли 38 валютными парами, драгоценными металлами и энергоносителями со спредами от 0,4 пунктов. Однако такие спреды доступны только при получении VIP счета, а для этого нужно вложить минимум 3 млн рублей.

С депозитами до 300 000 рублей, вы можете торговать со спредами от 0,8 пунктов, что также неплохо.


Дилер принадлежит швейцарскому банку. Один из самых надежных брокеров в мире. При этом регистрируясь на сайте европейской дочерней компании Дукаскопи, вы сможете начать работу с вложениями всего от $100.

Условия торговли качественные. Несколько торговых платформ. Швейцарский брокер предоставляет трейдеру все для качественной работы. Кроме отсутствия возможности пополнения счета электронными платежными средствами. Вносить депозит можно только банковским переводом или картой.


У брокера лицензия только одного регулятора из Вануату. Да, получить лицензию этой организации относительно просто. Однако Wforex работает честно, что подтверждают многие трейдеры.

Для старта можете вложить любую сумму и торговать со спредами от 0,2 пунктов и максимальным кредитным плечом 1:500.

Пополнять счет, в отличие от Дукаскопи, здесь можно не только картой и банковским переводом. Вам доступны следующие платежные системы:

  • Сбербанк Онлайн, Приват24 и другие сервисы онлайн-банкинга;
  • ЭПС: WebMoney, Qiwi, Яндекс.Деньги, Wallet One и др.;
  • платежные терминалы Qiwi, Промсвязьбанк, EasyPay и ряд других.


Крупнейший маркетмейкер на рынке Форекс. Датский банк – один из лучших вариантов для профессиональных трейдеров. Но большинству новичков Saxo не подойдет. Основные условия работы с дилером:

  • Минимальный депозит – 10 000 USD;
  • спреды – от 0,2 пт.;
  • максимальное плечо – 1:75;
  • собственные торговые платформы SaxoTrader и SaxoTrader GO.

Также рекомендуем обратить внимание на Saxo инвесторам. Брокер предлагает своим клиентам несколько инвестиционных портфелей с доходностью до 15–20% годовых. При этом максимально возможные просадки не превышают 10%. Такие инвестиционные стратегии отлично подходят крупным инвесторам.


Британский брокер, получивший лицензию FCA. Также есть и сертификат финансовой комиссии Сейшельских островов.

Минимальный депозит на сайте всего $25. При этом с такими вложениями вы можете получить счет Pro, позволяющий торговать с нулевыми спредами по самым популярным валютным парам.

Пополнять счет и выводить средства можно стандартным банковским переводом и картой, а также ЭПС Neteller и Skrill. Комиссии со стороны Tickmill не взимаются.

Читать статью  5 лучших форекс-брокеров в Великобритании (Великобритания) — тесты и обзоры


Не самый популярный брокер. С 2004 года (дата основания) компании удалось привлечь более 125 000 трейдеров. Тем не менее компания надежная и позволяет работать по следующим условиям:

  • Депозит от 200 USD;
  • спреды от 0 пт;
  • плечо от 1:1 до 1:500;
  • возможность открытия сделок по системе ECN.


Надежная и популярная среди российских трейдеров компания. Получила лицензию регулятора FSC (Британские Виргинские острова). Представительства работают в России и других странах СНГ.

Доступные условия по торговле и неторговым финансовым транзакциям – дополнительные преимущества Forex4you. Так минимальный деп. составляет всего 50 долларов. А для пополнения счета доступно около 10 способов.

Swissquote Bank

Последний, но не значит, что худший в нашем топ 20 форекс брокер. Swissquote Bank – один из крупнейших швейцарских дилеров. Компания с 2000 года представлена на Швейцарской фондовой бирже. Нет ни одной дочерней компании из офшоров. Офисы работают в европейских и азиатских государствах.

Swissquote также вряд ли подойдет новичкам. Минимальный депо 1000 евро и максимальное плечо 1:100 (а при работе с некоторыми активами и вовсе 1:25) это подтверждают. Кроме того, здесь не самые низкие спреды. При депозите до 25 000 USD, минимальный спред составляет 1,4 пункта.

Однако все недостатки компенсируются безупречной надежностью.

Вот так выглядит наш топ 20 форекс брокеров. С чем-то можете быть несогласны, но мы постарались составить для вас максимально объективный список. При этом здесь есть брокеры на самый разные вкусы, возможности и торговые предпочтения.

Best Forex Brokers 2023: Top FX Trading Platforms List!

Forex Brokers

Welcome to the world of foreign exchange trading or forex trading, whose net worth now is around a whopping amount of $2409 trillion. This world has a lot to offer to those who understand its nitty-gritty. This article has tried to present a comprehensive guide on choosing the most suitable best forex brokers for your base currency trading needs. We have also covered all the major related concerns around forex brokers, such as the role of brokers, regulations, security, a list of top forex brokers, and the fundamentals of forex trading. So, without wasting a moment, let us start!

Disclaimer: The forex market is very risky. Forex and CFD are complex instruments, and there is a high innate risk involved with them that can lead you to steep money losses as leverage is involved. So always trade carefully. Please note that the information in the below content has been provided with various online research conducted by us to guide you and help you choose the right broker.

Quicklook: Best Forex Brokers for 2023

  1. MultiBank Group – Best for Cutting-Edge Trading Platforms
  2. IG – Best Overall Broker
  3. Saxo Bank – Best for Advanced Traders
  4. CMC Markets – Best for a Range of Offerings
  5. Oanda – Best for Trading Experience
  6. Dukascopy – Best for European Forex Traders
  7. TD Ameritrade FX – Best for Beginner and Intermediate Traders
  8. City Index – Best for CFDs
  9. Forex.com – Best for High-Volume Trader
  10. XTB – Best Customer Support
  11. FXCM – Best Low-Risk Forex Broker

List of the Top Online Forex Brokers

Now it is time to look at the best forex brokers that can offer some fantastic currency trading advantages over others. So, here is the top forex trading platform list:

1. MultiBank Group – Best for Cutting-Edge Trading Platforms

MultiBank Group - Trade with 0.0 Pips on Forex

MultiBank Group is an award-winning and high-flying forex broker offering various world-class and secure foreign exchange trading solutions for individual traders and brokers worldwide.

  • MultiBank offers various products and solutions, such as commodities, stocks, indices, metals, and cryptocurrencies.
  • Despite minimum deposit requirements, affordable pricing facilitates multiple users to create numerous trading accounts, like Standard, Pro, and ECN. Although, it also offers Demo and Islamic accounts too.
  • Utilizes MT4 and MT5 trade platforms on its MultiBank mobile trading app on multiple devices having Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems
  • The MultiBank Group website uses MT4 and MT5 trading platforms with web traders and social trading features.

Headquartered in UAE, MultiBank Group came to the fore in 2005. Since then, the broker has emerged as one of the leading financial derivatives providers in the world. With a current paid-up earning of more than 322 million, the MultiBank Group serves a vast client base of over 10,00,000+ customers from around the globe.

MultiBank Group seems to be the best choice for traders pursuing FX trading. The Forex platform is the right choice for traders looking to access a broad array of trading instruments, including fast and seamless deposits and withdrawals at a competitive price. The broker stands out in its vast offering of education resources for its customers. Suffice it to say that the broker is a better choice for traders with sound experience in FX. The broker is an innovator in the forex industry by opening up new possibilities in trading. However, it continues to get along in the industry by offering second-to-none services, products, and platforms apart from various ultimate features that stand out from its competitors.

Key Features


Year Founded: 2005

Minimum Deposit: $50 for Standard Account, $1,000 for Pro Account, and $5,000 for ECN Account

Max Leverage: 500:1

2. IG – Best Overall Broker

IG - Trade With The Best Broker

IG is a well-regulated platform, and it is trusted worldwide. Since its commencement, These top forex trading platforms have offered their clients a good variety of:

  • Highly trusted broker for trading CFDs and other assets like spread betting.
  • IG offers a number of currency pairs, versatile tradable products, trade spot forex, and trading signals.
  • Highly useful advanced trading tools and advanced research tools.
  • The industry’s top educational tools support IG Academy and other educational resources.
  • This proprietary trading platform has cutting-edge rates & is also suitable for high-volume traders.
  • This traditional broker provides a safe regulatory environment.

IG is an all-around best forex broker UK that offers a wholesome trading experience not only for local residents but also around the world because of its global presence & is on the London stock exchange. Another thing that you should be aware of is that approximately 76 percent of retail forex CFD accounts lose money at the IG forex Markets. For details on commissions, please refer to the official website of this publicly-traded platform. However, check the IG review to learn more about this platform & a full list of financial instruments, & other most important factors in detail to make more money via a smart trading strategy & become a better trader.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA (U.K.), CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), FMA, ASIC & NFA (National Futures Association) (U.S.)

Year Founded: 1974

Minimum Deposit: $300

Max Leverage: 50:1

3. Saxo Bank – Best for Advanced Trader

Saxo Bank - Trade with Global Capital Market

Saxo Bank, the best fx broker, has a reputation for serving elite or VIP clients with utmost excellence. The min. Deposit is $2,000. The salient features of this broker are:

  • It offers highly competitive pricing (exchange rate) among brokers that might suit everyone’s trading style.
  • It backs its features with some well-made research & advanced tools.
  • The customer service, like phone support, is also exceptional.
  • Forex Trading offers more than 40,000 trading instruments to its clients, support of assets like spot metals & educational materials with Saxo margin requirements on fx, CFDs, & more.

Overall, it is one of the exceptional trading platforms, and you can now see why it is attributed as the best in the market. Please refer to the official website for details of brokers on commissions and more. However, check the Saxo Bank review to learn more about this platform & a full list of tools in detail that help you develop a trading strategy.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA (U.K.), FINMA, MAS, FSMA, ASIC, SFC, FSA

Year Founded: 1992

Minimum Deposit: $2,000

Maximum Leverage: 1:30

4. CMC Markets – Best for a Range of Offerings

Trade From Anywhere Anytime With CMC Markets

CMC Markets is the best online broker and is included among the top forex broker. The clients at CMC Markets get to avail themselves of a variety of features as given below:

  • The clients are offered a great variety of currency pairs/fx pairs, like EUR/USD, & spread betting support.
  • Its offices are situated in major international financial centers.
  • Active traders (or professional traders) get to use a good wide range of financial products & educational content.
  • The trading costs that the best forex broker, CMC Markets, offers are competitive.
  • These online forex brokers offer innovative trading tools and an extensive range of charting capabilities for experienced forex traders; it also comes with the next-generation platform.

Overall, CMC Markets can be considered the best online forex broker. Market reports suggest that it is the next-generation FX trading place with the next-generation trading platform (best known for its online trading). For details on commissions, please refer to the official website. However, you can check the CMC Markets review to learn more about this platform, its volume in financial markets, and its extensive range of tools in detail.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA (U.K.)

Year Founded: 1989

Minimum Deposit: $0

Maximum Leverage: 500:1 (professional clients) & 30:1 (retail clients)

5. Oanda – Best for Trading Experience

Oanda - Well Know Forex Broker

Oanda is recognized among the best forex brokers Canada. It has some unique and multifaceted features that its clients can avail of, as this forex broker is highly regulated. You can expect the following features from Oanda.

  • No minimum initial deposit.
  • No commission fees for their trading services.
  • Very fast trade execution speed of orders.
  • This platform has advanced charting tools, educational material, and features & offers more currency pairs than others.
  • Competitive spreads are as low as 1 pip for EUR/USD.
  • Two basic trading platforms are MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and FXTrade WebTrader.
  • Oanda is improving its client’s trading experience many folds.

Oanda, the best forex broker, is a trusted global brand. Its global presence and compliance with international regulatory standards make it a safe broker to trade. Here is the Oanda review and more details about its features.

Key Features

Regulated by: CFTC, NFA (U.S.), FDM, FCA (U.K.), ASIC, IIROC, MFSA, FSC in the BVI, and MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore)

Year Founded: 1995

Minimum Deposit: $0

Maximum Leverage: 50:1

6. Dukascopy – Best for European Forex Traders

Dukascopy - Leading Broker

Dukascopy is another well-regarded trading broker that offers all the primary trading services. Here are some interesting facts to know about the best forex broker Dukascopy:

  • Dukascopy uses the JForex platform suite, which supports this trading broker to offer its clients the industry’s top-notch drawing tools for trading.
  • In addition, Dukascopy supports its clients, whether they are seasoned traders or not, with excellent market research, smooth trade executions, industry-leading education resources, & support for major currencies.

A significant drawback of Dukascopy is that its customer service is not that great. Also, Dukascopy offers narrow tradeable markets like the stock CFDs market . For details on commissions, please refer to the official website. If you want to explore more, then check out the Dukascopy review to learn more about this platform, its volume in financial markets, fast execution process & full list of tools in detail.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCMC, FINMA, FSA (Japan)

Year Founded: 1998

Minimum Deposit: $100

Maximum Leverage: 100:1 (default) & 200:1 (on request)

7. TD Ameritrade FX – Best for Beginner and Intermediate Traders

TD Ameritrade FX Trading Platform

TD Ameritrade is the leading forex broker with an exceptional trading platform that functions throughout the country. Though being one of the best forex broker in USA and a popular choice by people, This broker is fully regulated, and this trading broker delivers some great functions to its clients:

  • TD Ameritrade offer around 80 currency pair for trading (most currency pairs, including minor pairs and exotic forex pairs), bitcoin futures & more to its active traders for currency trading.
  • Along the way, it backs its users with a wide range of trading tools and robust research.
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However, check the TD Ameritrade review to learn more about this platform & full list of features in detail to become an expert.

Key Features

Regulated by: SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission), FINRA, IIROC, MAS, FCA, and CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

Year Founded: 1975

Minimum Deposit: $0

8. City Index – Best for CFDs

Earn More with City Index

City Index is one of the highest-rated brokers that has made its name by offering excellent forex trading services. The clients get useful trading products, financial services, and multiple underlying asset classes with competitive spreads. Further, clients get the following:

  • Excellent trading platforms options for trading & low cost.
  • Best forex traders have high-tech research tools.
  • Dependable customer support & vast product offerings.
  • Offers AT Pro (desktop-based), Web Trader (web-based platform), and MetaTrader 4.
  • Guaranteed stop losses support.

All these financial services are offered under the biggest international retail broker- GAIN Capital. Please also be aware that around 71 percent of the retail forex accounts lose money at the City Index. Check our City Index review to learn more about this platform & full list of features in detail.

Key Features

Regulated by: ASIC, MAS, and FCA

Year Founded: 1983

Minimum Deposit: $/£/€100

Maximum Leverage: 30:1

9. Forex.com – Best for High-Volume Trader

Forex.com - Trading Specialist

Forex.com is another excellent trading platform offering cutting-edge excellent pricing and a mobile app. Here, on this platform, you get:

  • In-depth market research and automated trading strategies.
  • High-tech mobile apps for trading a range of currency pair.
  • Feature loaded with advanced trading platforms and MetaTrader
  • Both beginner forex traders, as well as experienced traders, are welcome here.

Given that the forex market is the largest & has its inherent trading risks, this is the case with this platform, so always have trading strategies. Around 69 percent of the retail CFD accounts lose money in trading fx pairs or buying & selling currency pairs & due to market volatility. However, check the Forex.com review to learn more about this platform & full list of tools in detail to make money.

Key Features

Regulated by: CFTC, FCA, IIROC, ASIC, MAS, FSA, SFC and CIMA

Year Founded: 2001

Minimum Deposit: $100 (recommended $2,500)

Maximum Leverage: 50:1

10. XTB – Best Customer Support

XTB - Best forex brokers For 2022

XTB, the best forex broker, is known for offering the best customer support. It is a great trading platform that offers the following:

  • Multiple asset classes trading like the currency pair, major forex pairs, and more.
  • Regulation in various major financial centers.
  • Competitive offering than other platforms.
  • Excellent customer service & trading conditions.
  • xStation 5 online trading platform.
  • Low commissions & low costs.
  • Offers negative balance protection that is liked by most traders.

However, check the XTB review to learn more about this forex online trading platform, its full list of features, and its competitive fees structure in detail to make money.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA(UK), CySEC, IFSC

Year Founded: 2002

Mini Deposit: $/£/€0

Max Leverage: 1:500 (Standard)

11. FXCM – Best Low-Risk Forex Broker

FXCM - Future of Trading

FXCM brokerage offers well-rounded services in the forex market sector, one of the known brokers to trade forex. Despite offering a narrow range of tradable CFD markets, it serves several types of experienced traders. The pricing at FXCM is average. On this platform, you get:

  • Robust trading tools serve high-volume and algorithmic traders, amongst other forex and CFD traders.
  • Great market research-backed support to execute trades safely, along with great trading conditions.
  • Good customer care support and advanced trading options for retail traders .

However, check the FXCM review to learn more about this platform that suits active traders & its full list of features, the demo account, and fees in detail to make money.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA (UK)

Year Founded: 1999

Minimum Deposit: $50 or equivalent

Maximum Leverage: 400:1 (defaulted to leverage on FX and CFD)

Best Forex Brokers for Beginners

Many brokers cater to different traders in the foreign exchange markets, and beginner traders in the trading market usually need extra support. So, we decided to compile a separate list of the best brokers for beginners’ platforms for traders who have just ventured into the exchange market of the trading world.

1. Plus500

Plus500 - Trade CFDs and Forex with Trust

Plus500 is one of the best forex brokers in South Africa & is also great for novice traders. It is an online broker that supports its traders and is listed among the top-rated brokers. This makes it a very user-friendly trading platform with great forex and CFD trading conditions. All the basic requirements of a novice trader who has just started exploring trading are fulfilled. This Plus500 broker may come across as a limited trading platform for experts. Check our Plus500 review for more information about this platform’s commission structure, low costs, and leverages.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA, CySEC, & SFSA

Year Founded: 2008

Min Deposit: Yes (can be checked on the Funds Management screen)

Max Leverage: 1:30 (Retail account), 1:300 (Professional account)

2. Markets.com

Markets.com - Enjoy Seamless Trading

This is another one of the best forex trading user-friendly platforms. It is an online broker with a MarketsX(Proprietary Platform) trading place. Compared to other trading platforms, Markets.com is a bit expensive and does not have some trading features, spreads products and services, and dozens of drawing tools other than the basic ones. However, check the Markets.com review to learn more about these trading platforms & full list of the trading assets in detail.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA, CySEC, ASIC, FSCA, FSC

Year Founded: 2008

Min Deposit: $100

Max Leverage: 1:100

3. Saxo Bank

Saxo Bank - Connect With World

Saxo Bank is a great trading platform with competitive pricing, an exceptional range of trading tools, impressive research, and excellent customer support. In addition to all this, it offers a thorough variety of more than 40K instruments, & reasonable trading fees. The only downside is that it charges minimum deposits of 2,000 U.S Dollars.

Another thing to notice on this platform is that around 65 percent of the retail CFD accounts lose money when they trade forex pairs and other assets. However, check the Saxo Bank review to learn more about this platform & the full list of useful tools, mobile trading, inactivity fee, services offered, friendly interface, and fee structure in detail.

Key Features

Regulated by: FCA (U.K.), FINMA, MAS, FSMA, ASIC, SFC, FSA

Year Founded: 1992

Min Deposit: $2000

Max Leverage: 01:30

4. eToro

eToro - Copy Trading

eToro is excellent for copy trading and is one of the best forex brokers. Moreover, this award-winning platform is known for offering easy-to-use copy trading services, also called social trading. The experienced trader here at eToro can copy the forex trades of other users through more than 1900 trading instruments, thus executing trades smoothly.

This wide variety of instruments includes CFDs on popular cryptocurrencies and also supports bitcoin cash. The only point where eToro lacks is pricing. However, check the eToro review to learn more about this platform, its full list of key features, mobile trading, supported trade currency pairs, inactivity fee, mutual funds, and fee structures in detail to begin trading.

Key Features

Regulated by: CySEC, FCA, MiFID, & ASIC

Year Founded: 2007

Min Deposit: $50 (Varies with Country)

Maximum Leverage: 1:100 (on all currency pairs)

5. easyMarkets

easyMarkets - Unique Way Of Trading

easyMarkets is a unique web-based platform with a mobile app and is considered one of the best forex trading platforms. It offers trade protection to its users and reasonable trading fees. It is indeed the best fx broker out there for beginners. It is an expensive trading platform but has a user-friendly interface. It offers two user-friendly features, namely:

  • Deal Cancellation, and
  • Freeze Rate

On the downside, this web trading platform lacks market research tools. It offers just 169 tradable instruments. The mobile apps of its platform are also quite average. On the other hand, around 74 percent of the retail CFD accounts lose money while crypto trading. For details on commissions, please refer to the official website. However, check the easyMarkets review to learn more about these best forex trading platforms, how to withdraw funds, & full list of crypto trading tools in detail to make money.

Key Features

Regulated by: CySEC, ASIC, FSA

Year Founded: 2001

Min Deposit: $25 (Standard)

Maximum Leverage: 1:400 (Standard)

What Is a Forex Broker?

A forex broker is a mediator who lets you buy or sell foreign currency in the market, which is extremely useful in making a trade or exchange; in other words, we can also say an online forex broker or a trading foreign exchange broker facilitates the buy and sell of national currencies on behalf of the registered high net worth clients. Thus trading brokers provide a place to trade on behalf of the trader. Using brokers is a straightforward process all you need to do is open a forex account, deposit/invest money, then make money in the newly formed professional VIP accounts, pro accounts, or standard accounts, and then, with the help of the broker’s trading platform, purchase or sell currency as per the platform’s margin. The price of these global currencies is decided based on the forex market’s exchange rate.

The Forex market is the largest financial market that is spread across the world. Forex trading reports suggest that, on average, around 6.59 trillion U.S. Dollars in the form of various currencies are publicly traded every 24 hours. These foreign exchange markets run 24 hours a day and are active 5 days a week, thus allowing traders more time. In brief, the best overall forex broker present in the online forex brokerage industry is extremely useful in exchanging, buying, or selling foreign currency.

About FX Broker

Regulation: Since forex traders trust the broker, these brokers’ regulation becomes quite essential. Proper regulatory measures are in place to ensure security. Two regulatory bodies govern the regulation of fx brokers to steer clear of fraud. They are:

  • The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and
  • The National Futures Association (NFA)

The regulatory bodies keep these financial markets activities under check. There are provisions for these authorities to launch lawsuits against those found guilty of illicit activities. This power assures customers’ safety on all fronts.

When you look for brokers, our investment advice is to do thorough research to check the broker’s credibility and see if its forex spreads, functions, and features match your needs. For research matters, the homepage of the National Futures Association(NFA) and reviews such as ours can be pretty handy and helpful as we bring you unbiased and valuable information on the broker present in the market across the globe.

Usually, most brokers offer to permit the clients to try a ‘practice trading account or free demo account.’ This type of account allows the retail trader to get a fair idea of how the system works. This way, CFD traders can have a mini first-hand experience with other forex brokers and multiple trading platforms before choosing any.

Some trustworthy broker have a FREE trading forex course for new clients. Another tip in finding a good broker is to check its 24 hours working features like its customer service. The currency markets work for 24 hours and five days a week, some provide sound investment advice, and most forex brokers work accordingly. Here we made a top brokers list for you, which is considered a top 10 forex brokers globally & meet certain financial standards.

Which Forex Broker Is the Best for Trading?

As we now have a fair idea about a forex broker and its purpose, it is time to see which highest-rated brokers are considered the best in the market. To come up with a list of the best brokers, we test several brokers for forex quality and CFD trading. Only after that do we suggest any name. As the brokers’ aid in exchanging, buying, or selling currencies, they also have a stand-alone web platform and mobile trading platforms for your support.

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Before you go through the list of best-regulated forex, you must know that trading CFDs are a complex instrument, and there is a high innate risk involved that can lead you to steep money losses as leverage is involved. Approximately 69 to 78 percent of retail investor accounts tend to face losses during CFDs trading & sudden hike in transaction costs.

That is why it is essential that you thoroughly understand how spread bets & CFDs work along with having trading strategies. It would help if you also traded as per your risk capacity, as there are steep losses involved with financial institutions.

If you are looking for a country-specific forex broker list, then check out our extensive list below:

How Does One Choose an Appropriate and the Best Forex Broker?

Choosing the right forex broker is tricky but is manageable. As the first step, you should look for brokers regulated within your country’s legislation. Further, you should check out the broker platform reviews to understand its good trading support, low trading costs, spread costs, tools, research capabilities, customer service, features, products, and other spreads. (Generally, we categorize as tightest spreads, tight spreads, lower spreads, ultra-low spreads, low spreads, CFD spreads, average spreads, and fixed spreads). Upon screening through your list of best brokers, you can finalize the most suitable and trustworthy forex broker based on your trade requirements and open an account to get started.

How Much Money Do You Need to Trade With Best Forex Broker?

The minimum requirement to start trading forex at any best forex trading platform varies. Some do not charge anything at all, and some do. The range of the minimum requirement starts from 100 U.S Dollars and goes up to 250 U.S Dollars. There are some exceptions, like platforms like Saxo, where the minimum funding is 10,000 U.S Dollars.

How Do I Calculate Best Forex Trading Brokers Platform Costs?

Usually is, a difference between the bid price and the asking price called spreads, and that difference is the broker’s fees or commission. To get low cost, strive to go for major pairs in the broker.

What Does a Best Currency Trading Platform Do?

Forex platforms’ role is to get orders for buying and selling currencies and then execute trade orders accordingly. They function in the OTC (i.e., Over Counter) market. They offer advanced traders & beginners access to all the major currency pairs, such as:

  • G10 & other currencies, along with emerging market currencies

The rules and regulations in these forex markets differ from other financial exchanges. The broker market lacks any centralized clearing mechanism, which puts the responsibility of the proper trade execution on the trader’s shoulders. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly research the broker’s capitalization capability before trusting them. The trader’s responsibility is to choose the right one from several brokers.

Forex platforms give easy clients access to the trade market. But it is your responsibility to do thorough research (real-time data analysis tools) to check the broker’s credibility and see if its functions, products and services, spreads, cryptocurrency trading support, and features match your needs. Always look for online brokers regulated by the SEC or your county jurisdictions.

For example, one forex broker may be FCA-regulated while another is merely registered; in short, always go for a regulated platform to keep an eye on other brokers in the market. For research matters, the real-time analysis of the homepage of the National Futures Association (NFA) and reviews such as ours can be pretty handy and helpful.

As you know, long-term trading can benefit those with large sums of money to trade. New forex traders should take their time to understand the forex market and its fundamentals and create an overall view of global economics to make well-informed trading decisions, keeping the real-time forex market trend in mind.

Do You Need a Broker to Trade Forex?

When you depend on online forex brokers, they continue to earn commissions from your pie regardless of your trade results. This happens because of the difference in the market price, and the actual price goes into their pockets. Their primary role is to provide easy traders access to fx trading and profitable spreads (even models: with a dealing desk or no dealing desk). Financial institutions reserve their rights, and the results are not their responsibility. So, taking charge of the entire process into your own hands can be a good idea & even doing technical analysis on your part.

You can gain capital insights into how the currency-dependent market works without losing money, which will help you make money. You can try your hands at various demo accounts commonly available at various broker trading platforms to start your trade forex as required. Almost all online forex brokers have a demo feature showcasing how the best currency trading platforms work, along with the support of virtual money.

Choose Properly Regulated Broker

Therefore, if you are beginning your trade forex journey, we suggest you take adequate time first to grasp the fundamentals of trading. Educate yourself about the various facets of the currency market (through demo account types) and understand how you can further push your trade portfolio without compromising security and regulations. Some also support mobile app features to help with better understanding.

Once well-comprehended, you will realize that exchange trading is no rocket science! It may look daunting, as there is so much to learn. But, with patience and persistence, you can do forex trading without having to depend on a broker (many award-winning platforms make your work easy too). Further, the following suggestions can help you kick-start your journey smartly and intelligently:

High leverage and potential risk: The forex markets are the largest in the daily trading volume, which promises a great liquid market. Further, entry and exit at a trade position become way too easy based on high liquidity. However, the challenge is that the market’s banks, dealers, and online brokers permit high leverage. This enables the trade forex to hold prominent positions with little money and later can be helpful to make money in this vast sector of global markets.

Therefore, the active trader forex user needs to understand the risky nature (keep an eye on the market maker). For instance, the leverage of 100:1, being a high ratio, can swing to either high profits or steep losses. Specific sites are compensated through third party advertisers as well. In some cases, the extreme leverage ratios have ended many dealers with issues around insolvency.

Bird’s eye view of trading requirements: You can trade FX 24 hours a day and five days a week with these financial institutions. Every day it starts in Sydney, Australia, and ends in New York. The main centers of the currency market are Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Paris, London, and New York. We all know that trading currencies need a fundamental understanding of the market, its functions, indicators, and even market maker platforms.

Therefore, a retail trader or investor is expected to have a bird’s eye view of the entire financial movement, the economies of various countries, the inter-connections, the use of the mobile app, dealing desk models, etc., to be able to trade forex and reap the best trade results.

Forex Trading Risks: As discussed before, exchange trading has an innate risk due to leverage, as spread bets are complex. Further, these forex brokerage services operate to varying degrees in different parts of the world. The trade forex regulation between the banks varies, the standardization of various forex instruments differs, and in some places, it is unregulated.

The interbank market determines and accepts risks. They design a structure around it to develop an interoperable process that is as safe as possible, and some platforms get compensated through a third party. The financial regulation designed in such a fashion aims to protect every participant bank around the world & provides smooth forex transactions.

Know Forex Trading Risks

The participating banks provide bids bid ask approach) and other related add-ons offers for various currencies; therefore, this mechanism heavily depends on the supply and demand rate. Due to large trade flows, influencing the price of any currency is difficult. With the help of interbank dealings, a sense of transparency is taken care of in the market.

Usually, small retail traders trade with comparatively low-key and almost unregulated forex platforms; there are always chances to re-quote rates, go for a bid-ask approach, and sometimes trade against the trader. Regulation on such platforms depends on which legislation they come under, which decides the type of industry & government regulations they are subjected to. The protection measures for every advanced forex trader vary from country to country. Always make sure you go for a known authority that regulates brokers.

Ideally, one should do a background check to see whether a broker is regulated in their respective country. Further, to ensure security, one should check what kind of account types and protection are offered by the best fx broker features in crises or other insolvency issues.

Conclusion on Best Forex Brokers

We hope our discussion on brokers explaining different platforms will help you gain clarity on the subject before choosing the best forex broker for you. One thing to keep in mind is as trading forex in any country can be difficult, understanding its rules and regulation is a must, always use legal and financial methods to verify and avoid the illegal behavior of online brokers. As for our final thoughts, we would say that forex trading is a great option for many forex traders with little money who are seeking day trading in small amounts, like smaller traders.

FAQs about the Best Forex Brokers

Can One Become Rich by Trading Forex?

The answer to this question is a mixed one. Some people have become rich through foreign exchange trading, but most have not. The simple reason is the risky nature of the forex market. There have been cases where people have made millions and billions through the exchange, but one must also not forget that similar amounts have also got swept away through steep losses in the forex market. Therefore, making well-informed and calculated risks is essential.

Is $100 Enough for Forex Trade?

Yes, the amount of $100 is enough for you to start your trade journey. The reward won’t be big, but you will learn and have tons of experience in store for your future trading.

Which Forex Broker Charges the Lowest Fees?

Brokers like CMC Markets, XTB, Oanda, and TD Ameritrade are among those who have a minimum deposit of $0, and even the low fees structure is reasonable.

Which Forex Broker Offers the Most Number of CFDs?

The IG Platform offers the most CFDs in the industry, around 19,537, along with automated trading strategies. CFDs help traders guess whether an asset’s price will go up or down.

How Can One Start Forex Trading?

Forex trading is all about awareness and practice. One can start by using a demo account to understand the forex market and its various functions, tools, trading platforms, etc. Learning through case studies and researching the technicalities of the global foreign exchange market is also extremely useful. Once you feel confident, you can choose a forex platform by researching its credibility. Open an account there, and fund it with the min. Deposit requirement and you are ready to trade!

Which Forex Broker Has the Best Platform?

The CMC Market is the next-generation popular platform with over 10,000 tradable instruments for its traders. Provides great experience with a smooth supporting mobile app.

Which Forex Broker Is Best for Professionals?

As per our search on the overall forex broker platforms, we believe CMC Markets and Plus500 are the platforms that provide professional accounts for their users and tons of features to utilize.

What’s the Difference Between a Dealing-Desk and an Agency Broker?

Dealing desk brokers are also called market makers who trade instruments like forex, whereas agency brokers are mediators who trade on behalf of their clients.

Are Forex Brokers Reliable or a Scam?

The answer would be yes but always go for regulated brokers as they are safe and secure and provide you with an excellent trading experience.

How to Know If Your Best Forex Broker Is Regulated or Not?

The best way to find out whether a forex broker is regulated or not is to look at the bottom of the top forex broker website, where they mention all the information related to a regulated broker. You can even visit the regulatory body’s website and search for your broker.

Which Is the Biggest Forex Broker in the World?

As per our reviewed platform, eToro is one of the biggest forex broker platforms you can come across, with over 1900 trading instruments and top-notch copy trading features. This can vary depending on the market and time duration.

Risk Warning: The forex market is very risky. Forex and CFD are complex instruments, and there is a high innate risk involved with them that can lead you to steep money losses as leverage is involved. Approximately 69 to 78 percent of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs due to leverage, even the most popular brokers. That is why it is essential that you thoroughly understand how CFDs work. It would help if you also traded as per your risk capacity, as there are steep losses involved in doing trade with trading platforms.

Источник http://anyforex.ru/top-20-foreks-brokerov/

Источник https://www.cryptonewsz.com/forex-brokers/